Hi, I’m Byron Miki and thank you for visiting my site. Here are some quick notes about me that will help us get to know each other over time.
Firstly, I really enjoy conversations. I like meeting people and hearing about their stories. I believe everyone has a story and by sharing our stories we can find ways to connect at a deeper level. A coaching relationship is built on an understanding that starts with a simple story.
Secondly, I like helping people. I have worked very hard to build a core competency around therapeutic counselling. Today I am a Master Therapeutic Counsellor. I am registered with the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada (ACCT #2521).
In addition, I have spent the past thirty years as an entrepreneur and coach. Some of my businesses have fared poorly and a few have been ridiculously SUCCESSFUL – the result of bold actions and a willingness to do the work on the way to victory. I combine real world business experience with one-on-one therapeutic skills. I go beyond the usual strategies for success by applying proven techniques as a strategic interventionist. It’s my hope that I can contribute to your success by helping you navigate through challenges that are sure to be encountered.
Okay – what else am I interested in? Below are things that have meaning to me. I hope they serve as a possible starting point for a future conversation. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the rest of this site and please send me your comments or questions. I’d love to hear from you.
Byron Miki
ACCT #2521
And Here’s The Rest Of The story…
Just to prove to you that I’m human:
I like fried chicken but rarely eat it. During a ten day silent Vipassana meditation, a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken danced in my mind for nine long days (back in 2006). These days I practice a variety of meditations. Most effective for me are Buddhist meditations taught by Lama Tsewang in Vancouver, BC.
I like hiking in the forests behind my house (I live on the edge of the Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park).
I enjoy watching my daughters play baseball and softball. I’m delighted that their skills eclipse mine by a long shot.
I still enjoy grocery shopping with my wife. It’s not the most interesting activity but we like each others company and it helps get these chores done faster.
I like sports, especially when a team is on a winning streak. I enjoy playing golf but rarely watch it on TV. I love everything about baseball. I’m learning a lot about softball. Even as a ball coach, there is always something new to learn.
Wait a minute. Please pause here. There is more but only read further if you feel you must…
Here are the types of clients I have worked with:
Fifteen years ago I worked mainly with clients who suffered from depression, phobias, anxiety, trauma, suicidal tendencies, and addictions. They were good times. I still do lots of this work because I find it so rewarding, but now my clientele involves both remedial and generative activities too.
Today, a portion of my focus is directed towards:
- Business Leaders
- Entrepreneurs
- Professionals
- Elite Athletes
- Artists, Musicians and Performers
My clients come from a variety of backgrounds: high-tech, trades, managers, front-liners, actors, producers, bankers, writers, salespeople, marketers, advertisers, real estate developers, salespeople, financial planners, real estate agents, musicians, artists, dancers, therapists, elite athletes, sports teams and non-profit executives.
Here are the main businesses I have started as well as a few full-time contracts I have completed:
- Real estate developments (128 units on a variety of Okanagan sites). Investor, Advertising Coordinator, Marketing Advisor, Occasional hammer swinger and shovel pusher. (1997 – 2010).
- Kelowna Hypnotherapy Centre – Founder, Counselling Hypnotherapist (2004 – Present).
- Orca Institute of Counselling Hypnotherapy – Instructor/Business Consultant. (2010 – Present).
- Professional Image Office Centre – Co-Owner/Marketing Manager (2003 – Present).
- Swift Trade Private Hedge Fund – Momentum Trader (1999 – 2003).
- Metropolitan Property Tax Consultants – Co-founder with Surrinder Toor who is an Entrepreneurial Genius (1994 – 1998).
Prior to ancient history I worked as:
- Software Programmer (Linian Systems)
- Accounting Software Support and Technician (QW Page and Associates)
- Human Resources Administrator (Imperial Oil Limited)
- Editor, Writer, Advertising Mad Man (Samson Marketing Communications)
- Publisher/Editor (University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus – The Underground)
- Fence Designer, Fence Builder and Fence Demolition Expert (Owner/Operator)
Here are my main teachers:
- Stephen Gilligan, PhD – Hypnotherapy Pioneer and Ericksonian Expert
- Sheldon Bilsker, RCC – Very wise Counselling Hypnotherapist
- Mike Mandel, PhD – The Best Modern Hypnosis Instructor!
- Tad James, PhD – Time Line Therapy Innovator and NLP Instructor
- Anthony Robbins – Leading Expert in Modeling Excellence
Here’s what I’m studying right now:
- Qi Gong – Hajime Naka
- Buddhist Meditation – Lama Tsewang
- Experts Enterprise – Hugh Culver
- Human Givens Approach – Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell
Strong Influencers whom I have never met:
- Dr. Rudolf Steiner
- Steve Jobs
- Chikara Kumagai
- Ichiro Suzuki
- Dr. Milton H. Erickson
I completed a formal education that involved a wide variety of studies in the liberal arts as well as some specific skills in Leadership and Communications:
- SMART Recovery Facilitator.
- Counselling Hypnotherapy Diploma – Orca Institute Professional Training, Sheldon Bilsker
- NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer Certification – American Pacific University, Tad James.
- Trainor’s Training/Mastery University – Anthony Robbins Trainers Academy
- Computer Programming and Systems Analysis Diploma – Honeywell Institute of Computer Studies
- Advertising Agency Operations Certificate – Institute of Canadian Advertising
- Marketing Management Post Graduate Certificate – Ryerson University
- Advertising Communications Post Graduate Certificate – Ryerson University
- Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Anthropology) – University of Toronto
- Private First Class, Infantry Training – Canadian Armed Forces
If you’ve read this far, I respect your thorough research skills. I appreciate your patience and I promise to draw upon all my resources and experience when we work together. Of course there is much more about both you and I, that we need to discover. I hope this listing can serve as a starting point in building a productive professional relationship. Everything matters.